Fire Protection Solutions for the Plywood Industry
High-risk areas in a plywood factory are filters, silos, sanding and panel sizing. Dangerous sparks and hot particles can be generated in the process that can lead to loss of revenue and/or human life as well as major damage to the production line and machinery.
Avoid production downtime with Firefly’s SanderGuard! A sanding machine is a high risk area in your process. The fine dust generated can, when ignited, give rise to severe dust explosions and rapid spread of fire. Firefly’s SanderGuard is designed for all types of sanders. The SanderGuard system quickly indicates problems inside the machine and, before a fire can take hold, extinguish by using a water mist system. “Firefly’s SanderGuard keeps you in production”
By tailoring a fire protection system using fast IR-radiation detection and flame detection in combination with effective water spray extinguishing and water mist suppression, Firefly aims to avoid costly fires and dust explosions in OSB factories.
Firefly SanderGuard™
Firefly’s SanderGuard™ is a Quick Suppression System and is designed for all types of sanders. The SanderGuard system quickly indicates problems inside the machine and, before a fire can take hold, extinguish by using a water mist system. The fine dust generated by a sanding machine can, when ignited, give rise to severe dust explosions and rapid spread of fire. Firefly’s SanderGuard™ system solution includes quick flame detection inside the sanding machine and water mist suppression, providing optimal protection of this important link in the production chain.